Information and explainations about endometriosis designed for teenagers

For many teenagers period pain can be a monthly misery. If your periods seem to get in the way of your life, either because they are heavy, because you have abdominal pain or they make you feel generally unwell, and they are stopping you joining in with physical activities or hanging out with your friends then maybe you could have endometriosis.

Period pain is not normal. The uterus or womb is a large muscle and can contract and this can be uncomfortable. If the pain is so bad it stops you from your normal activity then something is likely to be wrong. However, you need to be armed when you see your GP as they will suggest that it is normal and just take some paracetamol and rest. Start recording your pain and describe it using the pain calendar and chart so that you have the evidence of your suffering.

We have put together information that we hope will help you in your journey to health, we believe in treating things with nutrition. Mainly as conventional treatments often do not work for everyone, but also it puts you back in control, you just need to discover what foods will help and what foods you are eating that is adding to the problem.

Period pain could be caused by a few other issues, but first you have to get endometriosis ruled out. However, that is not as easy as it sounds. Although there are a number of relatively new tests which indicate endometriosis, the gold standard for confirmation is by having a laparoscopy and the gynaecologist actually seeing the endometriosis. However, things are not always as simple as that and the endometrial leasons may not be visable, i.e. microscopic or hidden under layers of tissue.

Endometriosis is often mistaken as particularly bad pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and period pains. PMS can affect any woman from when they start having periods up until the menopause. It can often take many years before a proper diagnosis of endometriosis is given, your pain may be explained as being IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) even though it mainly fits in with your monthly cycle. Others have been told that the pain in all in their head. Part of the reason is that with endometriosis you have excess oestrogen, which means that providing you are not in pain at this point you look well, and your doctor will missread the signs, they will see a healthy looking young girl who cannot possible have been that unwell.

Nutrition is a tool that can help you with your symptoms, part of its power is that it puts you in control. In the research undertaken at this clinic, removing wheat and gluten from your diet can ease your symptoms in 80% of the cases, we are all unique so what could be causing your condition? Let us answer that for you.

These pages have been set out to help you understand this disease, discover the treatment options and what you can do in a practical sense to help yourself. You can either follow the next button and read the pages in order or skip about using header buttons.